Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Merge Shape Manipulation Command

This command is designed to merge two existing shape features into a single larger area and is activated via the key-in: Ptopo merge

You are asked to interactively identify feature 1 and feature 2. This identification process is the standard MicroStation accept/reject sequence common to all manipulation commands. One the second feature has been successfully identified, the command removes the two smaller areas and replaces them with a newly generated larger shape feature. The newly created feature will have properties generated pursuant to any user defined merge policy specified via Bentley Geospatial Administrator.

Both features must be of the same type and participate in the same persisted topology layer. Only two polygons may be merged at a time.

For example, selecting faces 82 and 83:

Will produce face 87, as follows: